Residential Options

What are the options?residential

Central Valley Regional Center, Inc. supports the principle of choice and “least restrictive” living arrangements for the people we serve. These living arrangements may range from very restrictive, out of home licensed care to support necessary for living in one’s own home or apartment.

  1. Programs involving licensed facilities include Community Care Facilities (CCF) and Health Care Facilities (HCF).Community Care Facilities are based on the residential model. This model attempts to develop an individual’s skill and abilities as well as increase a person’s independent living skills. CCFs have age restrictions. Persons 0-18 years old may reside in a Small Family Home, which means the individual who is licensed lives in the home; or, a Group Home, which means that staff run the home and the licensee does not live in the home.Persons over the age of 18 up to 59 may reside in facilities licensed as an Adult Residential facility. Persons 60+ years old may reside in facilities licensed as an Elderly Care Facility. Neither of these facilities differentiates between whether or not a licensee resides in the facility.Health Care Facilities do not have age restrictions. These facilities look at ‘like conditions’ of the residents. As in Community Care Facilities, an individual needs to qualify for the services provided in a HCF. An individual needs to have intermittent nursing care needs. The type of intermittent nursing needs and the severity of those needs, qualifies an individual for either an Intermediate Care Facility/Developmentally Disbled-Habilitative (ICF/DD-H) or an Intermediate Care Facility/Developmentally Disabled-Nursing (ICF/DD-N).

    The decision to place an individual in a particular type of facility is based on the degree of supervision necessary. For example, a decision to place in an HCF facility is determined by an Individual needing a much greater level of staff intervention to maximize his/her potential, and in the case of ICF/DD-N facilities, nursing needs that can’t be typically met in a CCL facility.

  2. Programs not involving licensed facilities are called Supported Living or Independent Living.An independent living program is defined as “a community-based day program that provides to adult clients the functional skills training necessary to secure a self-sustaining, independent living situation in the community and/or may provide the support necessary to maintain those skills.” Independent living programs focus on functional skills training for adult clients, some of whom may employ and supervise aides to assist them in meeting personal needs.Supported Living is a very similar concept except that where in independent living services that focus is on training of the individual to learn the skill necessary to personally complete the task, supported living provides the necessary ongoing services to allow the individual to live in the community.

For more information on these topics, please call (559) 276-4359 or (559) 276-4341.